(Another) Network faking support to Guatemalan President

This is a second attempt to deceive Twitter users with a network of accounts created to fake-support Alejandro Giammattei.

(Another) Network faking support to Guatemalan President

This is a second attempt to deceive Twitter users with a network of accounts created to fake-support Alejandro Giammattei.

On September 20th the United States included Guatemalan Attorney General, Consuelo Porras, to a list of “undemocratic and corrupt” officials.

U.S. adds top Guatemalan, Salvadoran officials to corruption list
MEXICO CITY, Sept 20 (Reuters) - The United States said on Monday it had put Guatemala's attorney general and five…

Hours later Alejandro Giammattei, Guatemalan president Tweeted to defend the attorney general.

It was strange to see that many interactions, so after a quick review it was obvious there were many accounts pushing the same content:

#GuatemalaEstaConPresidente #YoApoyoAlaFiscalGeneral “RESPETAMOS LAS INSTITUCIONALIDAD” #GuatemalaLibreSoberanaeIndependiente

And all of those accounts quoting the president and the official account of the Public Minister (the attorney general doesn´t have an account).

Google Sheet with the Tweets: link

Same as other cases this was reported to Twitter and many of the accounts in the network were suspended.

Here is the thread with the findings that day: