Network faking support to Guatemalan president

The network used the hashtags #YoApoyoAGiammattei and #YoApoyoAMiPresidente trying to deceive Twitter users

Network faking support to Guatemalan president
Network with new accounts posting the same content.

Guatemalan government faced for many months a crisis due to the lack of vaccines. On July 4th two Trending Topics with HashTags supporting Guatemalan president were detected. #YoApoyoAGiammattei (I support Giammattei) and #YoApoyoAMiPresidente (I Support my president) were pushed by a network of new accounts.

Accounts who tweeted #YoApoyoAGiammattei and #YoApoyoAMiPresidente

The accounts were posting same content at the same time and creating interactions among them. It was a very basic not-efficient attempt to deceive conversations around the president. Here is a Google Sheet with a copy of those tweets: link

Most of the accounts were suspended after the report made to Twitter.

Here is the thread with the findings that day.